Gay Masseur London Gawain

London Massage Gay Gawain
Gay Masseur Gawain

Gay Masseur London Gawain- Statistics

Age- 34 y.o.

Height- 183 cm. (6 ft.)

Weight- 83 kg. (183 lbs.)

Physique- muscular

Ethnicity- British

Availability- weekdays & weekends, morning, afternoon, & evenings.

Tatoos- yes

For more information, or to schedule an appointment with Gay Masseur London Gawain, just fill out the following form. You may specify “Masseur Gawain” in the subject field-

    For a complete portfolio of London massage therapists-

    London Knights Massage Gay/ Straight – Spanking FIT!

    For information on the mythological character Gawain

    List of Arthurian characters – Wikipedia