Category Archives: FITNESS TRAINERS

“Spanking FIT’s” recommended fitness trainers

Fitness Trainer Yvan

Trainer Yvan

Yvan C., who was named by his parents after a legendary hockey star, is a legend in his own right. Not only is he currently a registered fitness leader with B.C.R.P.A., but early in his career he won a bronze medal in the Quebec Bodybuilding Championships and another Gold medal in the Gladiator Fighting Championship. He is also a graduate of college de Sherbrooke & University of same name, & holder of a Master’s degree. Yvan’s specialties include personal training, weight training, and fitness theory. He also specializes in sports nutrition, exercise physiology, and functional training. Finally, Yvan is also a much sought-after fitness model and was the subject of a major photo feature in Playgirl Magazine. Here’s a photo of Yvan on the cover of Exercise Magazine:

To book an appointment with premium fitness trainer Yvan, just click on the following link. . You can always contact me directly first with questions at